Mobile Web Browser Opt Out

? If you delete your cookies, you will need to opt out again. ? The opt out only applies to the browser in which you set it. For example, if you set the opt out while using Chrome, but then use Safari, the opt out will not be active in Safari. To opt out in Safari, you will need to repeat the opt out process. ? The opt out does not block or delete cookies, or prevent the use of cookies or other technologies for purposes other than selecting ads based on your interests as inferred by your online behavior. If you opt out, data may still be collected about your web browsing activities and you will still see advertising. Ads may be selected, for example, based on the content of the web page in which they are shown.

Mobile App Opt Out

? Mobile device system software such as Apple iOS or Google Play Services provide an opt out choice for in-app advertisements. For more information, or to opt out using these mechanisms, consult your device settings.

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